Fisher & Paykel Poster Competition
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The Fisher & Paykel Poster Competition has become increasingly popular at REaSoN, with 30 posters accepted for display in 2015. As the quality of the posters has increased, it has been necessary for us to limit the number of posters accepted for display.
Therefore it is important that you send your applications in before Monday 2nd May 2016 so that they can be judged. Those delegates who have their posters accepted for display will be given the ‘earlybird’ rate for their registration. If you have already registered at the standard rate, then we will happily reimburse the difference. There will be a poster walk at lunchtime on Day 1 when the Faculty will be judging your posters. Lunchtime will be extended by half an hour for this, and you will be required to stand by your poster during this time.
Please ensure that all posters are submitted by no later than Monday 2nd May 2016, and are sent to: