MONDAY 24th – TUESDAY 25th JUNE 2024  |  Hybrid Conference

We are thrilled to announce that this years’ REaSoN Neonatal Meeting will be the 30th Anniversary of this amazing meeting. REaSoN will be a hybrid meeting once again (in person and virtual)! We feel this is the best way to bring our community of Neonatal healthcare professionals together in one place, and to ensure flexibility for all in accessing the scientific content, if you are not able to attend live.

REaSoN has evolved over a 30 years as a prestigious and educationally rewarding annual conference for doctors, nurses, ANNPs, nurse educators and others with a shared interest in all aspects of neonatology. The meeting provides dedicated sessions that cover current research evidence, quality improvement, nursing hot topics, ethics, and frontier science. Leading UK and International speakers are attracted, and lively debate encouraged.

This hybrid meeting will allow delegates to view educational content, partake in Q&A and live polling sessions with speakers, liaise with other delegates in networking groups, speak to exhibitors, view poster presentations, participate in networking and much more!

New Venue:

Holywell Park Conference Centre, Loughborough University Science and Enterprise Park, Loughborough LE11 3GR


OnAIR conference platform (online delegates must have access to Google chrome)


The REaSoN Programme topics are consistently relevant, exciting & engaging!


Abstracts will be peer-reviewed and accepted for poster and/or oral presentation.


Our fabulous range of exhibitors will be available to answer queries and showcase the latest in treatments and equipment.

It was a very good experience and I learned a lot from it. Thank you very much for all the organizers, sponsor and speakers

Reason 2022 Delegate, Your Content Goes Here

All presentations excellent and very useful, Thank you

Reason 2022 Delegate, Your Content Goes Here

Fantastic team and incredibly well organised event. Really good to see a conference with a range of topics, both medical, nursing and psychosocial. Great integration

Reason 2023 delegate

It was my first time attending and I found every presentation interesting and engaging.  I am looking forward to taking lots of new ideas back to my team.

Reason 2023 delegate

he whole day was incredibly well run and informative

Reason 2022 Delegate, Your Content Goes Here

As always, a well organized event, with good educational content

Reason 2023 delegate

Thank you. A very welcoming organising committee. A fabulous event – well done to all involved.

Reason 2023 delegate

It was above my expectations. Well organised, well presented, beautiful venue – everything was well thought out. Let it be like that in 2023

Reason 2022 Delegate, Your Content Goes Here

As always a fab conference with experienced knowledgeable speakers who are passionate about their topics

Reason 2022 Delegate, Your Content Goes Here

Great to be back face to face for a truly multi-professional meeting

Reason 2023 delegate

I absolutely loved the evening meal and dance. I felt it got everyone together and it gave me the opportunity to meet new people who have the same passion and interest in neonatal care

Reason 2023 delegate

It was nice that the virtual audience were included in the question/answer sessions and that the learning opportunities were equivalent whether you were there in person or remotely

Reason 2022 Delegate, Your Content Goes Here
CFS Events Ltd Contacts:

Delegate enquiries:
please email

Sponsorship opportunities:
please email

Programme enquiries:
please email

Abstract enquiries:
please email

For issues prior and during the event:
please email or call +44 (0)1438 751519 for support.