I’m a Consultant Neonatologist at St. Peter’s Hospital where I have been for over 17 years, and we have an amazing team who help our unit have a great reputation. My interests over the years have included establishing a non-invasive approach to the management of preterm babies, as well as undertaking research and doing regular teaching and lecturing. I’ve published some papers on the use of high flow in babies, and also on some quality improvements such as using glucose gel to reduce hypoglycaemia in preterm babies. I like quality improvement and I like solving problems. In 2018 I won “Best Neonatal Specialist” in the national Who Cares Wins awards and I am still be teased about that. I took a part-time post at Inspiration Healthcare over 2 years ago, and I oversee the clinical, innovation and compliance teams there, which has given me great experience and insights into the R&D processes and regulatory challenges of developing and improving medical devices, as well as the commercial development requirements for medical technologies.