Diane Keeling is a Senior Advanced Neonatal Nurse Practitioner, at University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust, where she is the lead on neonatal academic modules, delivered in partnership with Plymouth University. The MSc ANNP Programmes are HEE accredited and allow trainees to obtain the HEE digital badge to verify the standard of their training, which is mapped to the HEE Multi Professional Framework and apprenticeship standards.

Seconded to HEE as a Supervision and Assessment Lead, Diane is active in the development of Advanced Practitioners (APs)within Paediatrics, Neonates and Midwifery in the South West, supporting organisations with governance and supervision of the AP workforce. Within this role she was involved in the publication of several key AP Supervision documents, including the Minimum Standards for AP Supervision, and is currently working on the development of a Curriculum Framework for AP Supervisor Competencies.
As the Nurse and Midwifery representative for BAPM, Diane is a member of the Working Party on the HEE/RCPCH Paediatric Framework which is currently awaiting recognition as a credential with HEE. In addition, she was a member of the working party who developed the BAPM ANNP Career Capability Framework to help standardise ANNP career development.