Senior Consultant Neonatologist, Professor of Neonatology
MD (1995), PhD (2009), Paediatrician-neonatologist (2004), University Teaching Qualification (BKO) (2018), Associate Professor (2014), Professor of Paediatrics (2018), chair “perinatal transition and neonatal resuscitation”.
Arjan te Pas is a neonatologist and neonatal researcher working in a tertiary neonatal intensive care unit in Leiden University Medical Center. Next to his clinical work, te Pas has established a research program “Perinatal transition and neonatal resuscitation”. His aim is to expand the knowledge in (patho)physiological processes during the perinatal transition and to develop the best strategies for neonatal resuscitation. He performs experimental studies, for which he closely collaborates with fetal and neonatal physiology expert AI Prof Stuart Hooper. The pre-clinical experimental findings are then translated to the clinic by performing clinical studies with physiological measurements in newborns at birth, which are then be used to inform protocols for large clinical trials. Profs te Pas and Hooper have been very successful in establishing a truly bi-directional (clinic-to-laboratory-to-clinic) research program.
Te Pas is a Veni (2012) and Vidi (2016) laureate of the Veni-Vidi-Vici Innovational Research Incentives Scheme for talented researchers of the Dutch Research Council (NWO). He is author of more than 200 scientific publications and his research has influenced the international neonatal resuscitation guidelines on several items.