Here on our frequently asked questions page, we have tried to cover everything, however if there is something we have missed please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Will the conference be recorded?

The conference will be recorded and the recordings will be made available for registered delegates for 3 months after the event.

Will there be parking?

The onsite parking is free of charge, but delegates will need to input their car reg when entering on the screens, they can do this at the hotels or at the conference itself. If you are staying at the hotel, you can put it in for both days. If not, you will need to put it in each day at the conference centre.

Are there Cloakrooms?

There is a cloakroom at the Holywell Park Conference Centre, but it is not manned by staff. Any luggage left in the cloakroom will be left at the own risk of the delegates. Alternatively, luggage can be left behind the hotel reception if you have stayed at the designated onsite hotel.

How will dietaries be dealt with?

Everything will be labelled for vegan and vegetarian, and if there are any specific dietaries, they will be plated up separately. Please speak to a member of staff on arrival so we can advise where your plate will be collected from during the breaks and lunch.

Will I be able to get a Tea and Coffee?

There will be tea and coffee stations in both exhibition rooms

Where are the Fire Exits and Assembly Points?

Assembly point is at back of the Holywell Park Conference Centre building by the loading bay. In the event of an emergency, signs will be clearly visible throughout the venue.


Where is the nearest cash point?

There is a cash point available on campus at the university

Can I have a programme?

In our ongoing efforts to promote sustainability and reduce paper waste, CFS Events Ltd has made the decision not to print event programmes. We encourage attendees to access digital versions of the programme through the QR codes on delegate badges, on our event app or via the REaSoN meeting website.

How do I download the app?

There are QR codes on signage around the event. You will also receive a dedicated email prior to the event with a link to download the app and your personalised login information.

Where is the accommodation?

Burleigh Court is a 10-minute walk from the conference centre.

Where is the conference dinner?

The conference dinner will be located at the Burleigh Court Hotel. Signage will be located at Burleigh Court to direct you to the conference dinner.